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Pack your Portuguese phrase book!
The largest city in the southern hemisphere, Sao Paulo often overwhelms visitors with its intense size. Home to some 12 million people, it's a giant collision of cultures – everything from Japanese to Italian, Chinese to Middle Eastern and, of course, Brazilian – which infuses the food, nightlife, architecture and street life, making it one of the most vibrant cities on offer.
Sao Paulo Skyline
The city is on the cutting-edge of contemporary art, making the Museum of Art well worth a visit. The nearby Football Museum is one of the best testaments to Brazilian culture – or head to one of the cities five major soccer stadiums for a more upfront experience. The numerous parks and green spaces around the city offer a great place to relax away from the bustling urban centre, as well as providing a fascinating insight into the life of Sao Paulo inhabitants – early evenings see parks and squares come alive as Brazilian's of all ages come to enjoy the setting sun.
Catedral Metropolitana
Sao Paulo is becoming one of the most visited regions in Brazil – some come for the food, some for the culture, some for the nightlife and others to relax – but no matter the motivation, they always come to Sao Paulo. Make sure you do too!