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There's more to Coffs Harbour than the big banana!
The quiet, seaside nature of the town is complimented with luxuries found in any big tourist destination. There's definitely no shortage of shops, ranging from big malls to tiny boutiques and, of course, local craft and farmers markets. Charming cafes not only sell superb coffee, but also exhibit work by local artists in a grassroots gallery, while fine dining is in no short supply – check out the Jetty Strip at the end of Harbour Drive.
Enjoy the great local dining options
When you've finished exploring the streets of Coffs Harbour, have a wander out towards Muttonbird Island Nature Reserve, extending out from the marina – it's completely treeless and seemingly bland, but hundreds of wedgetailed shearwaters use it as a nesting site. The peninsular is also a good place to see migrating whales, if the season is right. If you're after a longer trip, take a drive out to Sealy Lookout, northwest of the city, for spectacular views of the harbour and hinterland, or head west along a scenic drive to the quaint town of Armidale – keep and eye out for fresh local produce sold at roadside stalls along the way. Coffs Harbour is a gateway to much of the northern New South Wales region, and a great place to relax, unwind and reconnect with nature.
Gorgeous sky over the Coffs Harbour jetty